Moja mała Ojczyzna
My Little Homeland

Moja mała Ojczyzna
My Little Homeland

Moja mała Ojczyzna
My Little Homeland

The occupation of Krakow during World War Two and the lessons we can learn from it.
Zespół Szkół i Placówek pn. „Centrum dla Niewidomych i Słabowidzących” w Krakowie
The occupation of Krakow during World War Two and the lessons we can learn from it.
Zespół Szkół i Placówek pn. „Centrum dla Niewidomych i Słabowidzących” w Krakowie
The occupation of Krakow during World War Two and the lessons we can learn from it.
Zespół Szkół i Placówek pn. „Centrum dla Niewidomych i Słabowidzących” w Krakowie


Students researched the occupation of the city of Krakow during World War Two, including places of incarceration and execution near their school. As part of their research, students visited the Museum of Krakow, the International Youth Meeting Centre in Oświęcim, the Plaszow Concentration Camp and Auschwitz Concentration Camp.
Students learned about the history of the place where they live and study, and they conducted their research from both a Polish and a German perspective, collaborating with German students. This helped them develop a real sense of empathy, along with a greater understanding of local historical context and how their hometown became embroiled in the events of the war.


Students researched the occupation of the city of Krakow during World War Two, including places of incarceration and execution near their school. As part of their research, students visited the Museum of Krakow, the International Youth Meeting Centre in Oświęcim, the Plaszow Concentration Camp and Auschwitz Concentration Camp.
Students learned about the history of the place where they live and study, and they conducted their research from both a Polish and a German perspective, collaborating with German students. This helped them develop a real sense of empathy, along with a greater understanding of local historical context and how their hometown became embroiled in the events of the war.

Students researched the occupation of the city of Krakow during World War Two, including places of incarceration and execution near their school. As part of their research, students visited the Museum of Krakow, the International Youth Meeting Centre in Oświęcim, the Plaszow Concentration Camp and Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Students learned about the history of the place where they live and study, and they conducted their research from both a Polish and a German perspective, collaborating with German students. This helped them develop a real sense of empathy, along with a greater understanding of local historical context and how their hometown became embroiled in the events of the war.


Students used a variety of creative responses to reflect and share their learning. Photography played a key role, including a powerful visualisation of the difference between the lives of families now and during World War Two. Students also made films and created musical and artistic installations to encourage tactile engagement.
The school is very committed to playing a key role in ‘passing on the historical heritage of Krakow, during the time of learning for our students.’ They have used social media extensively to share the learning from this project and have delivered a whole series of educational workshop activities for students and teachers.


Students used a variety of creative responses to reflect and share their learning. Photography played a key role, including a powerful visualisation of the difference between the lives of families now and during World War Two. Students also made films and created musical and artistic installations to encourage tactile engagement.
The school is very committed to playing a key role in ‘passing on the historical heritage of Krakow, during the time of learning for our students.’ They have used social media extensively to share the learning from this project and have delivered a whole series of educational workshop activities for students and teachers.

Students used a variety of creative responses to reflect and share their learning. Photography played a key role, including a powerful visualisation of the difference between the lives of families now and during World War Two. Students also made films and created musical and artistic installations to encourage tactile engagement.

The school is very committed to playing a key role in ‘passing on the historical heritage of Krakow, during the time of learning for our students.’ They have used social media extensively to share the learning from this project and have delivered a whole series of educational workshop activities for students and teachers.