Zmizelá synagoga a další židovské památky v Opavě
The Lost Synagogue of Opava

Zmizelá synagoga a další židovské památky v Opavě
The Lost Synagogue of Opava

Zmizelá synagoga a další židovské památky v Opavě
The Lost Synagogue of Opava

A film project exploring the history of Jewish sites in Opava.
The Czech Republic
SPŠ stavební Opava
A film project exploring the history of Jewish sites in Opava.
The Czech Republic
SPŠ stavební Opava
A film project exploring the history of Jewish sites in Opava.
The Czech Republic
SPŠ stavební Opava


This project was undertaken by students of Civil Engineering and Architecture, who focused their primary research around buildings (past and present) and historical sites linked to the Jewish community of Opava. They wanted to uncover the history of these sites, as well as the people who occupied these places and what happened to them.
Students researched the site of a grand synagogue built in 1896, but tragically burnt down by the Nazis in 1938 on Kristallnacht, as well as a Jewish cemetery and the site of the first department store in Czechoslovakia, established by Jewish partners in 1927. This enabled them to make key links between the architectural structures of history and their current studies.


This project was undertaken by students of Civil Engineering and Architecture, who focused their primary research around buildings (past and present) and historical sites linked to the Jewish community of Opava. They wanted to uncover the history of these sites, as well as the people who occupied these places and what happened to them.
Students researched the site of a grand synagogue built in 1896, but tragically burnt down by the Nazis in 1938 on Kristallnacht, as well as a Jewish cemetery and the site of the first department store in Czechoslovakia, established by Jewish partners in 1927. This enabled them to make key links between the architectural structures of history and their current studies.

This project was undertaken by students of Civil Engineering and Architecture, who focused their primary research around buildings (past and present) and historical sites linked to the Jewish community of Opava. They wanted to uncover the history of these sites, as well as the people who occupied these places and what happened to them.

Students researched the site of a grand synagogue built in 1896, but tragically burnt down by the Nazis in 1938 on Kristallnacht, as well as a Jewish cemetery and the site of the first department store in Czechoslovakia, established by Jewish partners in 1927. This enabled them to make key links between the architectural structures of history and their current studies.


The students’ final project was a film sharing their research into the key Jewish sites in their hometown. Making the film required the students to translate information from Czech into English, select the most relevant historic photos and quotations, and create an appropriate soundtrack to include in the video.
Students are publishing their My Hometown project video on their school website to share with the whole school audience. It will also be shared more widely with other schools within the local vicinity, who will also recognise these places and hopefully be inspired to take part in similar projects to this.


The students’ final project was a film sharing their research into the key Jewish sites in their hometown. Making the film required the students to translate information from Czech into English, select the most relevant historic photos and quotations, and create an appropriate soundtrack to include in the video.
Students are publishing their My Hometown project video on their school website to share with the whole school audience. It will also be shared more widely with other schools within the local vicinity, who will also recognise these places and hopefully be inspired to take part in similar projects to this.

The students’ final project was a film sharing their research into the key Jewish sites in their hometown. Making the film required the students to translate information from Czech into English, select the most relevant historic photos and quotations, and create an appropriate soundtrack to include in the video.

Students are publishing their My Hometown project video on their school website to share with the whole school audience. It will also be shared more widely with other schools within the local vicinity, who will also recognise these places and hopefully be inspired to take part in similar projects to this.