Joaquín Blesa: El Legado
Joaquín Blesa: The Legacy

Joaquín Blesa: The Legacy
360 Degree Photos Against Oblivion

Joaquín Blesa: The Legacy
360 Degree Photos Against Oblivion

A film honouring the life of Joaquín Blesa and his legacy.
IES La Hoya de Buñol
A film honouring the life of Joaquín Blesa and his legacy.
IES La Hoya de Buñol
A film honouring the life of Joaquín Blesa and his legacy.
IES La Hoya de Buñol


For their My Hometown project, students researched the life of Joaquín Blesa, a Macastre citizen. They explored his experiences during the Spanish Civil War, his suffering in the Mauthausen concentration camp, and his death in Gusen. Through independent research and family interviews, students pieced together his story, honouring his ‘eternal legacy’.
Students independently searched for information to reconstruct Joaquín Blesa’s story, looking at the social, human, and economic conditions of his time. The most significant aspect was listening to “human libraries” and engaging with people’s stories, not just books. Representing Joaquín’s life graphically was an inspiring and moving experience for the students.


For their My Hometown project, students researched the life of Joaquín Blesa, a Macastre citizen. They explored his experiences during the Spanish Civil War, his suffering in the Mauthausen concentration camp, and his death in Gusen. Through independent research and family interviews, students pieced together his story, honouring his ‘eternal legacy’.
Students independently searched for information to reconstruct Joaquín Blesa’s story, looking at the social, human, and economic conditions of his time. The most significant aspect was listening to “human libraries” and engaging with people’s stories, not just books. Representing Joaquín’s life graphically was an inspiring and moving experience for the students.

For their My Hometown project, students researched the life of Joaquín Blesa, a Macastre citizen. They explored his experiences during the Spanish Civil War, his suffering in the Mauthausen concentration camp, and his death in Gusen. Through independent research and family interviews, students pieced together his story, honouring his ‘eternal legacy’.

Students independently searched for information to reconstruct Joaquín Blesa’s story, looking at the social, human, and economic conditions of his time. The most significant aspect was listening to “human libraries” and engaging with people’s stories, not just books. Representing Joaquín’s life graphically was an inspiring and moving experience for the students.


The students consolidated their My Hometown journey into a film presentation. They used a range of creative approaches but significant were a series of interviews with Joaquín Blesa’s family, creating a powerful connection to his story. The film helped the students embed their understanding of the Spanish Civil War and The Holocaust itself.
The project film, Joaquín Blesa: The Legacy has been presented in many local high schools and local institutions, inspiring other students and raising awareness of his life in the wider community.


The students consolidated their My Hometown journey into a film presentation. They used a range of creative approaches but significant were a series of interviews with Joaquín Blesa’s family, creating a powerful connection to his story. The film helped the students embed their understanding of the Spanish Civil War and The Holocaust itself.
The project film, Joaquín Blesa: The Legacy has been presented in many local high schools and local institutions, inspiring other students and raising awareness of his life in the wider community.

The students consolidated their My Hometown journey into a film presentation. They used a range of creative approaches but significant were a series of interviews with Joaquín Blesa’s family, creating a powerful connection to his story. The film helped the students embed their understanding of the Spanish Civil War and The Holocaust itself.

The project film, Joaquín Blesa: The Legacy has been presented in many local high schools and local institutions, inspiring other students and raising awareness of his life in the wider community.