Descoperindu-i pe ei, aflăm cine suntem
By Discovering Them, We Find Out Who We Are

Descoperindu-i pe ei, aflăm cine suntem
By Discovering Them, We Find Out Who We Are

Descoperindu-i pe ei, aflăm cine suntem
By Discovering Them, We Find Out Who We Are

A research project on the Jewish heritage of Râmnicu Sărat fusing art, music, poetry, and writing.
Râmnicu Sărat
Scoala Gimnaziala Constantin Brancoveanu Râmnicu Sărat
A research project on the Jewish heritage of Râmnicu Sărat fusing art, music, poetry, and writing.
Râmnicu Sărat
Scoala Gimnaziala Constantin Brancoveanu Râmnicu Sărat
A research project on the Jewish heritage of Râmnicu Sărat fusing art, music, poetry, and writing.
Râmnicu Sărat
Scoala Gimnaziala Constantin Brancoveanu Râmnicu Sărat


The students visited the synagogue of Râmnicu Sărat (built in 1850) to learn about the rich history of the local Jewish community and uncover the stories of those living in the town. Students discovered various religious and cultural objects and artefacts, as well as old books and grade registers stored here from the Jewish school that once served the community.
By learning about important individuals who had lived locally, students were able to directly recognise the contribution and legacy the Jewish community have made to their hometown. They learnt about the loss of life and culture through the Holocaust and the significance of preserving historical memory to ensure the lessons of the past are not forgotten.


The students visited the synagogue of Râmnicu Sărat (built in 1850) to learn about the rich history of the local Jewish community and uncover the stories of those living in the town. Students discovered various religious and cultural objects and artefacts, as well as old books and grade registers stored here from the Jewish school that once served the community.
By learning about important individuals who had lived locally, students were able to directly recognise the contribution and legacy the Jewish community have made to their hometown. They learnt about the loss of life and culture through the Holocaust and the significance of preserving historical memory to ensure the lessons of the past are not forgotten.

The students visited the synagogue of Râmnicu Sărat (built in 1850) to learn about the rich history of the local Jewish community and uncover the stories of those living in the town. Students discovered various religious and cultural objects and artefacts, as well as old books and grade registers stored here from the Jewish school that once served the community.

By learning about important individuals who had lived locally, students were able to directly recognise the contribution and legacy the Jewish community have made to their hometown. They learnt about the loss of life and culture through the Holocaust and the significance of preserving historical memory to ensure the lessons of the past are not forgotten.


Students responded in a variety of creative ways. Some performed songs at a peace festival, whilst others produced visual art and creative writing based on the town’s train station, the site where many had been forced to leave their hometown for ever. Students wrote poems about the synagogue, along with thank-you letters to some of the people who once lived here.
Students organised presentations for their peers where they shared their research and creative responses. Drawings of the synagogue and other artistic creations were displayed in school, alongside a short film produced by the students, creating a mini exhibition. All of this provided a unique opportunity for the entire school community to engage with the rich Jewish heritage of their hometown.


Students responded in a variety of creative ways. Some performed songs at a peace festival, whilst others produced visual art and creative writing based on the town’s train station, the site where many had been forced to leave their hometown for ever. Students wrote poems about the synagogue, along with thank-you letters to some of the people who once lived here.
Students organised presentations for their peers where they shared their research and creative responses. Drawings of the synagogue and other artistic creations were displayed in school, alongside a short film produced by the students, creating a mini exhibition. All of this provided a unique opportunity for the entire school community to engage with the rich Jewish heritage of their hometown.

Students responded in a variety of creative ways. Some performed songs at a peace festival, whilst others produced visual art and creative writing based on the town’s train station, the site where many had been forced to leave their hometown for ever. Students wrote poems about the synagogue, along with thank-you letters to some of the people who once lived here.

Students organised presentations for their peers where they shared their research and creative responses. Drawings of the synagogue and other artistic creations were displayed in school, alongside a short film produced by the students, creating a mini exhibition. All of this provided a unique opportunity for the entire school community to engage with the rich Jewish heritage of their hometown.
See how the students documented their My Hometown journey.
See how the students documented their My Hometown journey.
See how the students documented their My Hometown journey.
“In order to understand the other, we have to get to know them…in person or through pages of history.”
“In order to understand the other, we have to get to know them…in person or through pages of history.”
“In order to understand the other, we have to get to know them…in person or through pages of history.”