Moj grad u ogledalu sećanja: Svetlost koja otkriva prošlost
My Town in the Mirror of Memory: The Light that Reveals the Past

Moj grad u ogledalu sećanja: Svetlost koja otkriva prošlost
My Town in the Mirror of Memory: The Light that Reveals the Past

Moj grad u ogledalu sećanja: Svetlost koja otkriva prošlost
My Town in the Mirror of Memory: The Light that Reveals the Past

A research project on the suffering of the children of Šid during the Holocaust.
Gymnasium Sva Sumanovic
A research project on the suffering of the children of Šid during the Holocaust.
Gymnasium Sva Sumanovic
A research project on the suffering of the children of Šid during the Holocaust.
Gymnasium Sva Sumanovic


This project focused on the 496 Jewish, Romani and Serbian children of Šid killed during the Holocaust, providing a profound connection to the town’s history through the lens of its youngest victims. They visited locations in Šid where children fell victim to persecution and researched war crime documents, including original Ustaše records.
Students learnt about the value of using reliable resources to preserve and safeguard historical accuracy and integrity, and the importance of preserving memory. Their reflections fostered a powerful sense of empathy, linking local history with personal and collective identity, and the power of remembrance. By honouring lost potential, students learnt why tolerance, diversity and inclusion are essential for society today.


This project focused on the 496 Jewish, Romani and Serbian children of Šid killed during the Holocaust, providing a profound connection to the town’s history through the lens of its youngest victims. They visited locations in Šid where children fell victim to persecution and researched war crime documents, including original Ustaše records.
Students learnt about the value of using reliable resources to preserve and safeguard historical accuracy and integrity, and the importance of preserving memory. Their reflections fostered a powerful sense of empathy, linking local history with personal and collective identity, and the power of remembrance. By honouring lost potential, students learnt why tolerance, diversity and inclusion are essential for society today.

This project focused on the 496 Jewish, Romani and Serbian children of Šid killed during the Holocaust, providing a profound connection to the town’s history through the lens of its youngest victims. They visited locations in Šid where children fell victim to persecution and researched war crime documents, including original Ustaše records.

Students learnt about the value of using reliable resources to preserve and safeguard historical accuracy and integrity, and the importance of preserving memory. Their reflections fostered a powerful sense of empathy, linking local history with personal and collective identity, and the power of remembrance. By honouring lost potential, students learnt why tolerance, diversity and inclusion are essential for society today.


Students held group discussions and interactive workshops, took part in creative writing exercises exploring how these children might have become invaluable members of the community had they survived, and organised a symbolic candle-lighting ceremony, lighting 496 candles to honour the memory of the children who perished here during the Holocaust.
Students shared their learning with their peers, holding ‘Remembrance’ workshops with younger students and lighting candles in memory of the innocent lives lost. They spread awareness of the project through the school website and social media, alongside articles in local newspapers and a Ministry of Education publication, highlighting the project as an effective model for fostering collective remembrance.


Students held group discussions and interactive workshops, took part in creative writing exercises exploring how these children might have become invaluable members of the community had they survived, and organised a symbolic candle-lighting ceremony, lighting 496 candles to honour the memory of the children who perished here during the Holocaust.
Students shared their learning with their peers, holding ‘Remembrance’ workshops with younger students and lighting candles in memory of the innocent lives lost. They spread awareness of the project through the school website and social media, alongside articles in local newspapers and a Ministry of Education publication, highlighting the project as an effective model for fostering collective remembrance.

Students held group discussions and interactive workshops, took part in creative writing exercises exploring how these children might have become invaluable members of the community had they survived, and organised a symbolic candle-lighting ceremony, lighting 496 candles to honour the memory of the children who perished here during the Holocaust.

Students shared their learning with their peers, holding ‘Remembrance’ workshops with younger students and lighting candles in memory of the innocent lives lost. They spread awareness of the project through the school website and social media, alongside articles in local newspapers and a Ministry of Education publication, highlighting the project as an effective model for fostering collective remembrance.