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Their Voice is Still Heard Today

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Their Voice is Still Heard Today

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Their Voice is Still Heard Today

A study of the Jewish community’s impact on the economic and cultural development of Slavonski Brod.
Slavonski Brod
Osnovna škola Đuro Pilar
A study of the Jewish community’s impact on the economic and cultural development of Slavonski Brod.
Slavonski Brod
Osnovna škola Đuro Pilar
A study of the Jewish community’s impact on the economic and cultural development of Slavonski Brod.
Slavonski Brod
Osnovna škola Đuro Pilar


Students studied the role and influence of the Jewish community on the development of the culture and economy in Slavonski Brod and surroundings. They learned how the arrival of the Jewish community accelerated local economic development, particularly the growth of the metal and wood industries.
Before this project, many students did not know that a substantial Jewish community had lived here, nor all the different ways this community brought about economic and cultural transformation. They also learnt about how and why the Jewish community disappeared during World War Two, along with their synagogue, and interviewed one of three remaining Jewish citizens, who survived the Holocaust.


Students studied the role and influence of the Jewish community on the development of the culture and economy in Slavonski Brod and surroundings. They learned how the arrival of the Jewish community accelerated local economic development, particularly the growth of the metal and wood industries.
Before this project, many students did not know that a substantial Jewish community had lived here, nor all the different ways this community brought about economic and cultural transformation. They also learnt about how and why the Jewish community disappeared during World War Two, along with their synagogue, and interviewed one of three remaining Jewish citizens, who survived the Holocaust.

Students studied the role and influence of the Jewish community on the development of the culture and economy in Slavonski Brod and surroundings. They learned how the arrival of the Jewish community accelerated local economic development, particularly the growth of the metal and wood industries.

Before this project, many students did not know that a substantial Jewish community had lived here, nor all the different ways this community brought about economic and cultural transformation. They also learnt about how and why the Jewish community disappeared during World War Two, along with their synagogue, and interviewed one of three remaining Jewish citizens, who survived the Holocaust.


Students produced, shot and edited their extensive film independently, also undertaking their own research by studying archival material in the local archive and museum. They also participated in role-playing activities, placing themselves in the role of Jews who were martyred to try and understand how it might have felt.
The student led film was presented to history teachers at the national meeting of History experts, as well as to the broader student populace of the school. Through local media, newspapers and television, the school educated the wider community about their research project and the film.


Students produced, shot and edited their extensive film independently, also undertaking their own research by studying archival material in the local archive and museum. They also participated in role-playing activities, placing themselves in the role of Jews who were martyred to try and understand how it might have felt.
The student led film was presented to history teachers at the national meeting of History experts, as well as to the broader student populace of the school. Through local media, newspapers and television, the school educated the wider community about their research project and the film.

Students produced, shot and edited their extensive film independently, also undertaking their own research by studying archival material in the local archive and museum. They also participated in role-playing activities, placing themselves in the role of Jews who were martyred to try and understand how it might have felt.

The student led film was presented to history teachers at the national meeting of History experts, as well as to the broader student populace of the school. Through local media, newspapers and television, the school educated the wider community about their research project and the film.